Pupil Empowerment
What is pupil empowerment and how might it help my child?
Personal development is becoming as equally important as traditional qualifications when determining how successful a child might become in later life. Working in an empowering way with children, can help prepare them for life and work in the future. An increase in artificial intelligence and robotics means they are entering a workplace that may look quite different to our own.
Gipsy Hill Federation aims to empower all pupils. We believe that when children feel empowered, they are more likely to become resilient, self-reliant learners that achieve their potential. Pupil empowerment is an approach we use to teach children to be skilled learners by building their confidence, self-esteem, and soft skills (e.g., decision-making, flexibility, adaptability, creative thinking, and communication).
Empowering children through our...
Our planned approach for further development
Developing empowering approaches with all children takes time, particularly, if we want our approach to be authentic. We have planned our development to include the following.
In class
Out of class
Encourage children to make active decisions about their learning.
These may include giving children choices about how they present their work or asking them to decide which strategies they use to complete tasks.
Create opportunities in class for children to lead and make decisions. For example, children could lead a small group and develop a special focus area linked to their learning across the curriculum topic.
Leadership & decision making
Giving feedback
Increased opportunities for soft skill development
Encourage giving feedback confidently and effectively.
Feedback is valued by listening and then acted upon.
Increase opportunities for children to reflect on our core curriculum events.
Consultations with staff reviewing process for the curriculum and (relevant) school policies.
Keeping children the centre of development.
Express their views about how well they think they are learning and why.
Encourage responsibility for their learning.
be able to explain what teachers do that most helps them learn.
Active engagement with curriculum taught.
Sharing interests and experiences for personalised learning reflecting these interests and experiences.
Continue to develop the skills of our existing young leader teams as well as creating new opportunities for children to lead.
Encourage responsibility for the management of their teams that will enable them to plan and lead meetings, projects, and events more independently.
Teach young leaders to be strategic and confident enough to create goals for their team.
Increase opportunities for our young leaders to develop soft skills such as communication, time management and organisational skills, as well as enable them make links between learning in school and the workplace. This approach should help them shape the world in which they live.
Help children find innovative ways to solve problems and be resilient.
We want them to accept and learn from failure and see mistakes as opportunities for learning.
Plan opportunities to train all children to help them
develop learning for life skills such as problem
solving and teamwork. These transferable skills will
help them now, in the classroom and in their future
working lives.