Our Full Governing Body
​The role of the governing body is to provide strategic management, and to act as a "critical friend", supporting the work of the Headteacher and other staff. All schools within Gipsy Hill Federation share one governing body, this ensures a consistent approach to all schools. Governors will be in post for four years.
Contact the governing body via the school office.
Christopher Toye
Interim Chair
George German
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
Tao Tucker-Samuels
Staff Governor
Adam Hickman
Co-opted Governor
Becky Dwyer
Co-opted Governor
Simon Hooberman
Local Authority Governor
Liz Goode
Parent Governor
Nick Hiley
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
Jeff Muhammad
Stephanie Seabrook
Parent Governor
Our Schools' Local Advisory Boards
The Gipsy Hill Federation has established Local Advisory Boards (LAB) in each of the schools. The role of LAB members is an important one, ensuring there is local accountability for the performance of the Federation and individual schools, and that schools achieve strong outcomes for the pupils and the communities they serve.
Please click on the links below to meet each school’s Local Advisory Board.